Home /Scuba / Guy Harvey

Built-in 1957, the Dutch built coastal freighter had many owners and names during her first few decades in service. During the 1980s, she carried freight between Haiti and the Lesser Antilles. The 185’ freighter was sold to the Pompano Fishing Rodeo with the intention of making her an artificial reef. Guy Harvey painted white silhouettes of local fish species on the hull before being sunk in 145 feet of water on May 18, 1997. The wreck has since been completely colonized and covered with corals, sponges, and gorgonians. This is definitely an advanced dive. You’ll get up close with jacks, barracuda, and Queen Angelfish. This is a deep dive and borderlines a tech dive and deep-diving experience is required.

Open Water

30 – 60 feet

30 – 60 feet

Exit point

2031B Wilton Dr, Wilton Manors, FL 33305, USA

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